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The Initial Consultation - 60 minutes

In your initial appointment, Dr. Philippi will talk about your specific concerns and discuss several screening questions. This will allow you to clarify the challenges and the goals together in order to determine the best treatment approach.


Treatment may consist of medication alone, therapy alone, or a combination of the two. Some people have a strong preference for only medication or only therapy, and this plays a significant role in determining treatment. That said, Dr. Philippi will always give you her opinion if she believes another treatment approach would be helpful for you or provide recommended referrals for ongoing care if it is determined that another doctor would better serve your needs.

Follow-up Appointments
  • Medication Only (15 minutes)

  • Brief Therapy with or without Medication (30 minutes)

  • Therapy with or without Medication (45 minutes)

  • Group Therapy (60-90 minutes)​

The frequency of follow up visits varies. For someone who is very stable on routine medication and only needing refills, you may meet as seldom as every three months. For someone who is going through significant medication changes or going through a particularly difficult time, you may meet weekly. You will decide together what frequency makes sense for you to meet your goals.

For answers to Common Questions, click here.

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